Friday, May 16, 2008

At the yacht club darh-ling

Last night found me at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, for whom the Boy and I row, celebrating the acceptance to be a member of a very good friend. I went to the gym straight from work and then to the bar, so had with me in a little cool bag the milk I had expressed during the day. I have done this before and just asked them to pop it in the fridge for me because my ice block thingy is getting a bit less effective at the end of the day.

Normally not a problem.

Except they were very busy last night and, as the result of the noise and a few language issues, they gave me a champagne ice bucket full of ice to put them in. So we sat with two small bottles of milk bobbing around in the ice bucket on the table.

Only in Hong Kong...


LottieP said...
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LottieP said...

Ahem. You didn't mention the fact that the bottles were also dunked by uncomprehending staff in a bucket of boiling hot water first... before being rescued before any harm could be done (I hope!)

Eve, being a discerning sort, will no doubt be the first to let you know if the milk has suffered as a result.