Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mother's wise words

I am being increasingly convinced, watching more experienced Mums, that there is an unexplainable bond between mother and child (especially daughters) that kicks in at the most appropriate times, regardless of distance and time. How then, to explain the below extract from an email from my Mum, I think written before my posting yesterday?

"If you are wondering what to do with all that spare time after the birth can I remind you that - Jana Rawlinson won the world championships gold medal this year in August for the 400 m hurdles having given birth eight months previously, Liz McColgan won gold in Tokyo in 1991 nine months after first child's birth and Ingrid Kristiansen finished first in 1984 London Marathon, seven months post birthing. This means that we shall look forward to a single sculls attempt at Beijing, a mere 7 months following the birth, but we don't expect the medal necessarily to be a gold one."

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