Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year, new life

It is customary at New Year to reflect on the year past and make resolutions for the year ahead. The past year has largely involved being pregnant and 2008 will be dominated by the arrival of the new addition to our family. As I sit here looking at the cot currently resident in our bedroom there is a mixture of apprehension and excitement.

My main challenge in making any resolution is that I really have no idea how my life will change. However many books I read, however many people I speak to, however many lovely and supportive friends and family we have around us, in a few days the Boy and I will have a baby. It will be utterly dependent on us for everything, our lives will revolve around her needs, and life will never be quite the same again.

So I suppose that my resolutions are really very simple. To try to be a good Mum, not beat myself up when I do something wrong, ask for help, realise that this is a team effort with the Boy, and to enjoy the next few months getting to know my new daughter.

Happy New Year

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