Friday, February 22, 2008

Ommmm whaaaaa

Back at baby yoga today and this time I was prepared. Eve, due to her jabs, is nice and sleepy, she fed until 30 mins before the class started, and fell asleep in the taxi on the way there, I took a big fluffy coat and a blanket to pop her to sleep on. We were all set for a nice class.

It was better, a bit. She gurgled sweetly through the Bridge and Warrior poses. But, as before, she started screaming, wanted to feed, so we sat at the back and quietly fed for half an hour.

I am starting to wonder whether the HK$100 I pay for a class, simply to sit on the floor and feed her in a slightly different location to home, is a bit stupid. Still, I watch what the other better behaved babies do and know that in a few more weeks time I will be able to do all of these exercises at home with her.

There was also a lovely moment when she started to scream that the lady in front turned around to me and said "Mine normally does that too, don't worry about it".


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